Determine manufacturability and affordability early in development
Many aerospace, automotive, and medical manufacturing organizations have placed an increased emphasis on reducing the time to transition products from design to manufacturing while simultaneously reducing the product technical risks.

Unfortunately, most manufacturers still follow a serial process for completing the detailed design. That is, producibility is often not formally addressed because it is treated as an additional step that requires extra engineering effort and delays completion of the product definition.
The DISCUS solution for producibility analysis helps to re-frame the problem as finding a way to reduce the time and labor to complete the detailed design. That is, rather than having producibility as a “bolt-on” at the end of detailed design (which is the typical “improved” view), DISCUS helps to shorten the detailed design effort and make producibility a natural spin-off of the effort.
The DISCUS DFM module enables a manufacturing engineer to interrogate the 3D CAD model and apply manufacturing process knowledge to the pertinent features and characteristics. By having the manufacturing engineer perform these tasks while examining the 3D model, producibility is incorporated at the appropriate time in the product lifecycle. Moreover, because the knowledge is integral to the digital design process, it is no longer an after-the-fact step, but a regular part of the detailed design process flow. The ultimate benefit is seen immediately as the transition to production is more efficient, production costs are reduced, and downstream quality escapes are eliminated.
The DISCUS solution for process planning involves three DISCUS modules packaged into a bundle:
3D Producibility Analysis Suite – DISCUS Desktop with DISCUS 3D Data Management and Reporting and DISCUS DFM add-ons
You can see more about the DISCUS approach for Design for Manufacturing by visiting the DISCUS DFM pages. You can view a description of benefits, screen shots, and a video demo.
You can learn more about the specific DISCUS modules on the Products page, and you can review the pricing for the discounted bundles on the Pricing page.