3D Module Feature-Benefit Guide Introduction
Here is an introduction to the kind of information you can get from our brand new Feature-Benefit Competitive Guide. This is a great decision making support tool. Click to download the DISCUS Software Feature-Benefit Competitive Guide
News Bites in Quality Engineering
Enjoy this curated compilation of news and insights around quality and quality engineering. CMM (Coordinate Measuring Machines) are essential to quality engineering. This article discusses the 'fixtures' part of quality control inspection. (Caution: email registration required to read the full article) Data in, Safety Out - New software predicts when and where serious traffic accidents are most [...]
The Low Rate of Software Adoption – Why?
We are a software tool provider for our particular market, but we have concerns about the low rate of software adoption within the organizations both prospects and customers we serve. This post will attempt to briefly provide a diagnosis and a bit of prescriptive advice. Why the Low Rate of Software Adoption? Too much focus [...]
August DISCUS Software Training Schedule
Do you need some free training to get you up and running on our DISCUS Software in less than 2 hours? Do you have questions about features that you have access to, but you might not even know they are there? Our 1 hour training sessions will be an effective tool for you in not [...]
August DISCUS Webinar Schedule-Sign up is easy
Do you need help with preparing for your AS9102 First Article inspections? Do you spend too many hours ballooning or marking up drawing prints and creating the corresponding inspection forms? If so,attend this webinar to see how DISCUS; the ballooning and inspection sheet setup tool, can be used to save you time and see the [...]
New Feature/Benefit Competitive Guide
Are you in the decision making process headed toward selecting software to help you with your quality engineering challenges? If so then this guide may help, we cover all 5 of our modules, desktop, OCR, Results, CMM, 3D and Planner, we outline over 55 different features and discuss each of the related benefits and how [...]
Enter Revision Information on the Document Properties
If you add a drawing to DISCUS and forget to indicate that it is Metric or if you forgot to include the revision, you can easily do so. With the drawing displayed, right-click on the drawing and select Drawing Properties. In that box, select Unit of Measure and the revision.
Use DISCUS Filter to Hide Characteristics
If you have a need to hide the parent balloon, such as number 2 but show only the sub balloons, you can do so. Create a Filter and then select the follow parameters: CN =2 and not in the Bill of Characteristics. This way, balloon #2 will be hidden from the print and the output. You [...]
Use the DISCUS Form 3 Template-Upper and Lower Tolerances and Spec Limits
Contact [email protected] for a detailed template, that breaks up the variable data into very discreet data analysis. This template will show you the nominal, plus the upper and lower spec limits and the upper and lower tolerances. Once you have this template, click File and Export Report to Excel and import this document. Then you [...]
Free Usable AS9102 Forms
For manufacturing and quality, aerospace is governed by the AS9100 standard. Aerospace, automotive, and medical are three industries that require a First Article Inspection (FAI) as part of the detailed verification of production results versus product design before manufacturing begins. Since the FAI involves a complete review of all part characteristics, it involves manufacturing engineers and [...]