Stop by and see us at the Westec manufacturing show in Los Angeles and get 30% off your purchase of DISCUS Software version 8.0.
Version 8.0 include enhancements to DISCUS Desktop, OCR, Planner and 3D DISCUS products. Key features to the software update include:
- Bill of Characteristics-Redesigned for Ease of Use – The Bill of Characteristics has been designed with function and speed for all users. All the data you need to have is visible with tabs such as Requirements, Results, Parts List, Material and Process and Functional Test in easy to use and see tabs. If you don’t want to view these tabs, easily remove them from view.
Improved OCR Pattern Recognition – Now includes support for GD&T symbols as well as improved translation for Feature Control Frames. Better recognition of numeric values such as the number 1 when it represents like an I.
- Auto Sub Balloon Option – If you need to automatically copy and paste a requirement but make the copies sub balloons this can be an automatic feature you will use every day. With OCR if a diameter is 4X or 4 PL, balloon this with the function checked and the parent balloon will display with sub balloons that are partially hidden. This is ideal when you need to unclutter the drawing with many sub balloons but have visibility to the required data.
To learn more about Discus 8.0 visit our website and read the full list of enhancements now available to quality engineers in the aerospace, med device and automotive industries.
DISCUS Software offers a free trial of the new DISCUS 8.0. In free-trial mode, you can try out DISCUS Desktop for an indefinite period of time, but you will only be able to use the included set of input files (the example Technical Data Package (TDP), drawing, and specification files).