Optimize your OCR settings
Optimize OCR Settings by clicking Settings and OCR Settings and set DPI to 400.
Optimize OCR Settings by clicking Settings and OCR Settings and set DPI to 400.
Enable the Modules of DISCUS by clicking Settings and License Modules. Select all available to you.
Click the 4th Icon on the left to Configure Columns and click to hide or show the various options in the Requirements or Results.
Click the CN header in the Requirements tab to reorder the characteristics in the proper sequence.
Click File and Export to Excel and click Manage to import the template. You can then choose to have your template as the default.
Under File and Export to Excel, click Manage and click the checkbox to locate the path where these templates are stored.
If you want to remove the result values for an order, click Results and Results Settings and then Manage Report. Create a new order and make it active. The results are removed. You can always [...]
If you want to augment the Class list of Major, Minor or Critical, you can do so. Under BoC, Configure Fields and click Class and click the plus sign and enter the value, such as [...]
Under Settings and Balloon Properties, enter the value of the depth such as 3 and the balloons and leader lines will be thicker and easier to see.
Click Settings and Colors and then click the color palette to display colors. Click the color of the balloons and all balloons are immediately that color selected.
Load the drawing and the CMM report and use the backfill option to create the ballooned requirement, plus designed tooling and measured values.
Under Settings, select Backup/Autosave Settings and choose how often to back up and how many back ups you would like to retain.
Select the items in the Bill of Characteristics (BoC) and right click and select Edit Multiple Characteristics. In the box that displays, click the check box next to Requirement Comment and then click the text [...]
Under Settings and OCR settings, bump up the DPI to 400. It can make a world of difference in data recognition!
Go to the menu TDP and Bill of Documents (or CTRL-D), select the drawing and click the trash can to remove it. If ballooned data is on the drawing to be removed, delete all the [...]
For example, to start on sheet two (PDF #2), right-click on drawing and select Set Sheet Number and enter the value for that sheet such as #2.
To move the grid to suit your customized drawing de-select equidistant and apply and you can move them as you see fit.
Multi select characteristics to be assigned the same Designed Tool, for example. Right click and select Edit Multiple Characteristics. Select the option you want to populate the selected characteristics and click OK. The Bill of [...]
Assign from the CSV file the headers and then save for future use. Then load the same CSV format and access the saved template and the assignments are automatic.
This will create a backup and to access this backup, click File and Backup to access all your TDP files.