Find a missed characteristic
After you balloon, press CTRL and W and anything characteristics not in orange blocks per the Intelligent Drawing Analysis (IDA™) that display, you can manually balloon and renumber.
After you balloon, press CTRL and W and anything characteristics not in orange blocks per the Intelligent Drawing Analysis (IDA™) that display, you can manually balloon and renumber.
Open the Characteristic Properties and select the dock icon and this page will populate the right side of the DISCUS panel. Un dock to remove this from the right panel
Under Settings and IDA Settings, find a list of ideal settings from which to choose. For example, ignore references or not. Set to have them record actuals or not. Same for Basic Dimensions. Set to [...]
Select a body of characteristics and then locate the surface roughness. Right-click and select Surface Roughness from the list.
For a faster method, click your selection tool and drag it around a body of characteristics. Select any single characteristic that is highlighted and right click. Select Convert to Characteristics and all characteristics selected will [...]
Select the Balloon Icon and then double click an item highlighted in orange. The characteristic populates the Bill of Characteristics (BoC).
Add a drawing but do not select to populate all characteristics at this time option.
Click the 4th icon on the Bill of Characteristics to remove from view any item, such as Production Equipment etc. and this “cleans up” your BOC.
Go to the menu TDP and New Drawing Revision. Click to replace the drawing (warning, do not lock the characteristics as this disables renumbering). Click to view the changes and then replace. All the previously [...]
Go to the menu item TDP and Bill of Documents. If the drawing has characteristics, delete them first in the Bill of Characteristics (BoC). Then you can select the drawing and click the Trash can [...]
Press CTRL and W to perform a virtual white out which will display any missed characteristics. Then balloon all you missed and renumber via the Characteristics Properties, by entering the new balloon number in the [...]
Under Drawing and Snap Requirement Image Options, deselect the Fill Snap Requirement.
Under Settings and Balloon Properties, click the check box for indicating a Key and enter a value, such as CTQ. Then be sure to select Key for any applicable characteristic in the Bill of Characteristics.
Find your License information via Settings and License. This is helpful when needing DISCUS Support assistance.
Modify Net-inspect Export via Settings and Net-inspect Export and identify what added columns you want/need.
Modify your backup files via Settings and Backup/AutoSave. Indicate how often and how many backups you want.
Click the 4th icon on the left of the BoC, Configure Columns, to hide or show more fields in the BoC.
Under TDP and TDP Properties, select the UOM drop down to English or Metric. Do this before ballooning!
Select the items in the BoC and then right click and select Edit Multiple Characteristics. Click the checkbox next to the item you want to enter for these characteristics, such as a comment, no deburr [...]
Optimize Auto Ballooning Settings by Entering Character Width and Length as 120 and DPI as 400.